Surviving the Teething Phase – Tips for Soothing a Teething Baby

Teething typically occurs around six months, when babies’ immune systems start weakening and when teething symptoms such as irritability, crying, low-grade fevers and drooling begin.

Many parents swear that infant acetaminophen can help alleviate teething pain. Other approaches might include massaging their gums (with clean hands) or giving a cold spoon (not frozen) from the refrigerator to use during teething sessions. Drool-proof bibs may also come in handy.


Teething babies can be a real pain. To ease their discomfort, gently rub their face, forehead and jaw with clean fingertips for some relief.

Cold washcloths placed over their gums may provide comfort as well. Just be sure that it’s clean, without any debris that they could potentially swallow.

Parents often report that teething pain worsens around stage 5, when large second molars begin erupting. At this time, tried-and-tested soothing methods may no longer work effectively.

Babies may become irritable during this stage and even develop mild fever or rash that does not relate to teething. If this occurs, seek advice from your pediatrician who may prescribe safe over the counter pain medication for infants.

Cold Foods

Early years are filled with happy moments for parents: their first smile, first word spoken unaided and sitting unaided are all exciting milestones to witness and experience as parents. But teething can often prove challenging.

One of the best ways to soothe a teething baby is providing them with cold foods to chew on. Chilled yogurt, fruits and vegetables such as cucumber sticks, whole strawberries or avocado mushed up have been proven effective at providing comforting relief in around half of teething babies; just be wary of any possible choking hazards and avoid citrus foods and anything with salt as these could sting their gums and cause pain.


Reducing teething pain involves applying pressure to the gums through light finger rubs or placing a washcloth twisted and frozen (not chew toys as these could pose serious choking hazards). A sippy cup filled with cool water or frozen bananas/berries are also great ways to comfort a child experiencing teething pain.

Create your own teething popsicles for an easier solution! Pump breast milk or combine thawed formula with fruits, vegetables and/or yogurt in a blender until smooth before pouring it into an open popsicle mold and placing in the freezer until solid. Unwrap these treats gradually for your baby as they provide nutrition while relieving gum discomfort.

Cold Toys

Drooling, crying and fussiness can be signs that your infant is teething, making this period both stressful for both parent and infant alike. But don’t panic: teething is perfectly normal with various approaches available to ease pain and discomfort during this phase.

Cold spoons may help relieve some of their gum discomfort. Chewable toys that contain liquid or have hard exteriors should also be chilled to ease pain; however, avoid those containing hard surfaces that could potentially cause injury or chokeback.

Try offering them a soft, wet washcloth or solid teething rings (solid ones are preferable over liquid-filled) that has been chilled in the refrigerator, which they can gnaw on to ease gum discomfort. If this doesn’t help, consult your pediatrician regarding giving an infant teething an age-appropriate dose of pain reliever like Tylenol which should quickly reduce any discomfort they might be feeling!


Teething babies often cling to you during the day and cry uncontrollably at night, disrupting their sleep cycle. If they’re in pain, massaging their gums with warm washcloths and giving over-the-counter pain relievers (children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help).

As teething progresses, additional symptoms include increased biting (on fingers, toys and you) and reduced appetite. Some babies can even get a slight fever which makes them even more restless and irritable.

Teething may cause sleep disruptions and crankiness during the daytime hours; however, these symptoms should soon subside and lead to the achievement of full sets of teeth – a milestone worth celebrating! Good luck and happy parenting.

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