New babies come equipped with plenty of stuff, making even the cleanest homes appear cluttered quickly. Make sure there is sufficient space available to you for toys and other baby gear.
Declutter hobby equipment or other things you won’t use as frequently once the baby arrives.
Start Early
Start early when planning for a baby by getting your home prepared, organizing baby items and preparing older children and pets to adjust.
Your house should be kept clean, well-ventilated and babyproofed in order to ensure maximum safety for both mother and child. This involves disinfecting any areas where babies will likely crawl or play, such as light switches, doorknobs, kitchen sponges, faucet handles or cutting boards according to Mason.
If you are concerned about how your child will respond to having a new sibling, spend time with friends’ newborns and read books featuring children with siblings to prepare them. Involve them in preparations by asking them to assist with chores and shopping for baby items; and explain and reassure them regarding any impending changes. You might find your child is experiencing fears associated with their new sibling; just reassure them of your love by offering lots of attention; they’ll soon settle down!
Get Organized
Even the cleanest homes can easily become overrun with baby toys and equipment, making your space appear disorganized. One effective way to prepare for a new arrival is to clear away clutter by creating more storage space and decluttering before their arrival.
By clearing away unnecessary or seldom-used items like bikes, hobby equipment, CDs and books from your space, more storage will also make room for bulk purchases like diapers and wipes.
Early days with a newborn can be hectic and exhausting, particularly with limited restful sleep. A well-kept home will help relieve some of the strain associated with welcoming a new member into your household.
Keep in mind that most parents opt to have their babies sleep in their master bedroom during the early months, in order to decrease the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Keep a basket near your bed filled with essentials such as muslin cloths, nappies, wipes cotton wool and extra tops; all will come in handy during those first months!
Keep Safety in Mind
As you prepare your house to welcome baby, it is crucial that safety remains top of mind. Not just in terms of the nursery but throughout your home as a whole.
Certain areas of your house may be more prone to germs than others, and you should have access to cleaning products like sanitizing wipes quickly when needed. A downstairs basket should contain essential items like nappies, spare clothing, cotton wool balls and muslin cloths for quick and easy retrieval when cleaning needs arise.
As soon as your pregnancy begins, you must purchase and install a crib or bassinet and car seat (or seats) that adheres to all current safety standards. Install them properly and store them somewhere easily accessible. In addition, it may be wise to invest in stroller/mini car for getting baby around; planning where this will go in advance will save time when baby arrives! Additionally, be sure to post 911/EMS numbers on all phones just in case a medical emergency arises and an ambulance needs to come quickly; just in case this might happen quickly!
Decluttering can be a tedious endeavor, yet one of the most essential projects before welcoming a baby home. Clutter can become dangerously distracting when your space becomes overrun with cords and ropes that could pose potential choking hazards to a toddler, and jewelry or small items could even end up swallowed by babies!
Now is also an excellent opportunity to stock up on natural cleaning products as alternatives to chemical-laden ones, which will be safer for both you and the environment. They may still be just as effective.
Locate clutter hotspots like your coffee table or kitchen countertop. Create a timeline, designate one or two days, and assign one person the task of decluttering these areas. Utilize storage bins and baskets to keep items off of the floor and organized while labelling each bin or basket for easier putting away later. Also invest in quality hangers to maximize closet space.